Our Film Classification
As a group, we were unsure whether to rate our film a 12A or a 15. This was a difficult decision as we aren't very experienced in rating films so we started from the top. We started by discussing similar films and what their ratings are. Then we compared their rating to the content of the film. This allowed us to find out how much violence for example, is required to hit a certain rating. Having discussed this, we also took the initiative to search similar films on IMDb and see what they are rated. This was to ensure that we had evidence to prove our selection.
After conducting research on similar films, we decided as a group that our film will be classified as a 12A according to the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC). This enables us to target a larger audience than a film that is rated 15.
According to the BBFC, moderate violence is acceptable however, it must not dwell on detail. There must not be any emphasis on injuries or blood. Our production will have scenes of violence however, blood will not be shown and injuries will not be shown. Additionally, there will be an action sequence of a sword fight shown which complies with the 12A rating rules as again, we will not be showing the injuries sustained or the blood.
Mature themes are acceptable according to the BBFC however, their treatment must be suitable for teenagers.
Our main theme in this production is about family, its values and how you should appreciate it. The reason why this relates to the 12A rating is because 12 year olds will understand our concept of portraying the importance of family in comparison to the younger ages who may not be able to understand the theme as it is.
Strong language can be used occasionally if it used in the right manner and contextually. In our film, we plan on occasionally using some strong language to emphasise the sense of humour. We will not be using it out of context or unnecessarily as it would change our rating to a 15.
Imitable Techniques
Dangerous behaviour (for example hanging and suicide) will not dwell on detail which can be imitated or be presented in a way that is easy to be copied by easily influenced children.
We will not be presenting any dangerous behaviour in our film however, we will be using handheld weapons such as samurai swords and futuristic guns. We will not be presenting these weapons as "glamorous" to our audience to ensure that they are not acquired by children as well as the fact that they are futuristic concepts and do not yet exist in reality.
There may be some threat and hazard including scenes which which are violent and last a while however, injuries are not dwelled upon.
The main fright to the audience in the film, is when the villain suddenly descends from the sky which will definitely raise questions in the audience's minds wondering who he is and why he's turned up like that.
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