Monday, 26 January 2015

Our Pitch

Our Pitch

Title of our Film: LIMBO

Genre: Action/Comedy

Time Period: Modern Day

Film Budget: $80 - $150 Million

Target Audience: 12+ Males and Females


A teenager wishes to escape from his family without realising it could actually come true. As a consequence of his childish wish, he gets warped into a video game which he must now complete to breakout from in order to get back into the real world. Will he experience his biggest nightmares and comprehend the importance of obtaining a family?

As a whole, our presentation went better than we had thought. Through the use of a powerpoint presentation, we were able to put across our message as well as the importance of our necessities such as our budget. We delegated 2 slides to each other in order to maintain the focus of the audience which enhanced their understanding about our film.

Here's what our pitch looked like:

 Question and answer session at the end of our pitch

The audience engaged in our presentation

Our group presenting our main message.

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